When Does Nike Restock | Check Out The Ultimate Guide

Nike is an American multinational corporation that sells footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories, and services. They are well-known shoe brands all over the world with their sleek and fashionable types of sneakers. That’s why Nike shoes in general tend to be out of stock very soon. A lot of people wonder, “when does Nike restock?”.

This guide will let you know when Nike restocks, and how Nike often restocks shoes. Let’s go into it right now and discover everything with our research that helps you to a better shopping experience at Nike.

When Does Nike Restock 2023?

Actually, Nike doesn’t have any specific restocking schedule. According to their official website, they restock their inventory as soon as they are available. Moreover, to know when does Nike restock, we can say they restock every 2-3 days a week.

The restocking days may differ depending on the demand and location of the items. They receive new shipments every Tuesday and Sunday afternoon and arrange them overnight over the shelves.

Can I Get a Notification for Nike Restock?

Yes, as Nike doesn’t have a specific schedule, you get a notification by Sign-in on the official website. In addition, visiting @Nikestore on Twitter is another way to follow Nike’s restock schedule. If you use the Nike App, you can also chat with Nike Experts to hunt your favorite sneakers.

You can also head to Nike SNKRS for the opportunity to grab your desired pairs. Additionally, explore when does Lululemon restock and set the calendar up with alerts to keep your finger on the pulse of their inventory updates.

Restocking Days For Nike

Besides knowing when does Nike restock, let’s understand what days Nike restocks. Below is a restocking days for online and In-store at Nike.


Nike restocks online two times or three times a week. However, Nike officially did not announce exactly when they restock online. Online restocking depends on the demand for products.  Typically, the Nike truck arrives from 3 PM to  6 PM. Sometimes it can vary, due to traffic jams or other cases.


Nike restocks In-store 3 times a week (Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays). However, Nike receives a large amount of shipments on a few fixed days. Every Tuesday from afternoon to evening Nike stores is restoking.

Does Nike Restock Every Day?

Unfortunately, Nike doesn’t restock every day like Walmart or Target. Nike receives a new shipment two or three times in the Evening or Afternoon.

Although Nike restocks 3 times a week as it depends on the demand or sale of the items. So if you want to shop at Nike, and restock, the best time is Wednesday early in the morning. Also, explore when does Urban Outfitters restock and arrange for notifications to stay updated on their stock.

How Long Does It Take Nike to Ship Shoes?

Typically, Nike takes 2-4  business days to ship (does not include weekends or holidays). When a customer places an order at Nike, it receives an order automatically and processes the items within 2 days. Then Nike delivered the items within 2-4 days depending upon the location.

Take a closer look at Nike return policy if you’re dissatisfied with your purchase and wish to return it.

When Does Nike Restock Shoes? 

Basically, shoes will be restocked as soon as they are available. According to Nike employees, they restock shoes every Tuesday but it may vary depending on the demand, sales, and shipment availability. However, it is chargeable, you should contact your nearest Nike store. If you want to get a notification just sign up for Nike and explore when shoes will be restocked.

Final Thoughts

Nike restocks its products two or three days a week. When a customer orders an item at Nike, it takes two to four business day without holidays or weekends. Now you know when does Nike restock. Since they don’t have a specific plan to refill their stock. You can also register to be a member of the Nike App to get updates on restocking, updates, etc., and early access to some limited editions as well.

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